For the first time in a few years, we can truly say that we maximized every ounce of Wisconsin's beautiful autumn!! It's not quite over yet, but the leaves were being swept from the streets in our neighborhood today which really only means one thing...they're making room for -- dare we say -- snow! Truly though, when we think about the last month we can't help but smile. A trip to Bayfield, so much fall color, new chili recipe's, watching Parker bounce around in leaf piles five times his size, butternut squash risotto (yum!), a few extra afternoon coffee's, dream book writing on an inspired Sunday, fall pontooning & picnicking in Door County, taking entirely too many pictures of Parker, a weekend away with friends for some much needed relaxation & laughter, sessions in dreamy colorful spots (hello Chicago skyline + Grandma's property!), yummy birthday cupcakes, and SO much more!! Without further ado, here's a little peek at our fall -- we hope yours has been just as lovely & yummy!! :)
Love | K&B
// Film: Fuji Pro 400H // Camera: Contax 645 on a lovely fall day // + instagrams!

...and a few instagrams to splash even more fall color onto this post!! our favorite, of course, being the "flying Parker" photo ;)