Fall Family Portraits | The Manzons

Photographing the Manzon family is such a delight! Hector and Dominee have had us capture their family several times over the years, and we always look forward to seeing them. Thank you, Hector, Dominee and Joachim, for meeting us on the mountain for a beautiful fall family portrait session!

xx, Kelsy & Butch

Fall family portrait session in Wausau, Wisconsin. Photographs captured on Contax 645, Pentax 67, Nikon F100 with Fuji Pro 400H film. Processed by Fast Foto Film Lab.

Lifestyle Newborn Portraits | Baby Benjamin

After photographing Jen and Raj’s two-day Catholic-Indian wedding in Madison, we were thrilled to hear from them the following year when baby Benjamin arrived! He is as adorable as they come and this might have been the first newborn portrait session ever where the little one slept the entire time. The result was such a sweet session, and we loved being there to capture the love of their family, including of course their dog, Hazel!

xx, Kelsy & Butch

Lifestyle newborn session in Marshfield, Wisconsin. Photographs captured on Contax 645, Pentax 67, Nikon F100 with Fuji Pro 400H film. Processed by Fast Foto Film Lab.

Lifestyle Newborn Portraits | Baby Jax

After Kristin & Kris’ maternity session last fall, we couldn’t want for the arrival of their baby boy. Jax was one week old the day of his newborn portraits, and we loved our time capturing all of the love filling the Ferguson’s home.

xx, Kelsy & Butch

Newborn portrait session in Wausau, Wisconsin. Photographs captured on Contax 645, Pentax 67, Nikon F100 with Fuji Pro 400H film. Processed by Fast Foto Film Lab.

Door County Maternity Portraits | Kelli & Bobby

Kelli and Bobby are expecting their first baby, and we timed their maternity session to fall in line with the beautiful cherry blossoms in Door County. The orchards in bloom made for such a beautiful spring scene for their portraits, followed by some to capture Door County’s beautiful shoreline.

xx, Kelsy & Butch

Spring maternity session in Door County, Wisconsin. Photographs captured on Contax 645, Pentax 67, Nikon F100 with Fuji Pro 400H film. Processed by Fast Foto Film Lab.