Wausau Engagement Portraits | Ona & Jim

Sometimes you meet someone who is so clearly meant for you. You're always excited to see them. They bring out your biggest and brightest smiles. And it is evident to everyone around you this all happened for a reason. Sound familiar?? Well, if you know Ona & Jim, chances are that's exactly how you feel about THEM! We first chatted with these two via Skype as we finalized their wedding booking and started planning their engagement session. It felt like we could have chatted forever and had known them for years and, if you ask us, it's one of the best feelings!! :)

Just before Thanksgiving, Ona & Jim made a day-trip to Wausau for their engagement session! After portraits in our studio downtown, we headed out on location and were happily met with sunshine on a crisp near-winter day. We loved spending the day with this sweet soon to be Mr & Mrs and cannot WAIT for their wedding next year in beautiful Door County!

XOXO, Kelsy & Butch

Wintery Wausau Engagement photos captured with Contax 645 and Pentax 67 on Fuji Pro 400H and Ilford XP2 film.

Door County Sailboat Engagement | Shawna & Jeff

Shawna and Jeff's engagement session involved at least 35 of our favorite things: water, a sailboat, Door County, timeless nautical style, lots of laughter, a beautiful sunset over the bluff... need we go on?? :) The very first time we chatted with Shawna, she mentioned her background in sailing and we immediately had visions for her & Jeff's engagement photos swirling around in our heads. Carrie of Door County Event Planners' husband swooped in to save the day by allowing us to venture out onto the bay in a sailboat he made by hand. But first, we spent some time at the marina capturing Shawna & Jeff with their adorable little girl, Payton, who was all smiles!

Shawna & Jeff are planning a Door County wedding in charming Ephraim, and we cannot WAIT to be a part of their celebration next year! Until then, here's a peek at the fun we had on the world's most adorable sailboat with one of the coolest couples we've had the pleasure of photographing :)

A giant thank you to Nate & Carrie for making this session possible, and to Shawna & Jeff for simply being your awesome selves! 


Kelsy & Butch

Door County Sailboat Engagement Photos captured on Contax 645, Pentax 67 and Nikon F100 with Fuji Pro 400H, Tri-X 400 and Ilford XP2 films. Developed by Fast Foto.